All you need to know to build a menu to reduce bad cholesterol.

Cholesterol reduction does not have to be done only through drugs. Various foods, including foods rich in phytosterols – natural plant compounds – can also contribute to this. When it comes to our body, we definitely want to help the good outweigh the bad – the same is true for bad cholesterol. So how do you reduce bad cholesterol? Although it is possible to use … Continue reading All you need to know to build a menu to reduce bad cholesterol.

12 healthy reasons why you should have sex

Not because of love, not because of passion, not because of pleasure. 12 health reasons that will make you jump right into bed Why are you doing this? Judging by a study by the University of Texas, published last year in the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior, people have no less than 237 reasons to be drawn to sex. Pure attraction to a partner, a … Continue reading 12 healthy reasons why you should have sex

Biotin for hair: what is it? and how it improves hair growth and prevents hair loss

Hair loss is a phenomenon that bothers women and men and can be caused by a variety of reasons. What is biotin?, and can it affect the strengthening of the hair root? All the answers in the article. What is biotin? Biotin, also called vitamin B7, is one of the B vitamins. The name biotin comes from the Greek word “bios” which means to live, … Continue reading Biotin for hair: what is it? and how it improves hair growth and prevents hair loss

Stomach aches: all the reasons and treatment tips

What is the meaning of pain in the upper abdomen? Why is there pain in the lower abdomen? What causes abdominal pain with gas? When to see a doctor? Our expert makes order and gives coping tips Abdominal pain is a common occurrence and a serious nuisance for many of us. They can strike without any prior warning, causing many of us to immediately cringe … Continue reading Stomach aches: all the reasons and treatment tips

Lysine to prevent herpes: truth or myth?

What is lysine? lysine is an amino acid (one of the building blocks of protein) and is considered one of the essential amino acids. All amino acids are positive for our body, they make up the different protein structures that the body needs. However, there are some amino acids that the body knows how to produce from others. In contrast, there are some amino acids … Continue reading Lysine to prevent herpes: truth or myth?

Aspartame: what is it actually? Calories and the science behind the sweetener dubious reputation

Today we can find the name aspartame quite easily on the packaging of many products; From diet drinks, diet dairy products, energy bars, desserts, chewing gum to toothpastes, medicines and tablets and also vitamins (yes, yes). who are you aspartame? why are you everywhere? What is aspartame? Aspartame was discovered somewhere in 1965 completely by accident, while the chemist James M. Schlatter was trying to … Continue reading Aspartame: what is it actually? Calories and the science behind the sweetener dubious reputation